Monday, March 21, 2011

The Good Times

Google and I go way back, we met while Googs was still the new kid, and just a new way to find out stuff.  Googs was really smart and his answers were a lot better than the other guys you could ask at the time.  And Googs seemed to be able to understand what you were trying to ask when you weren’t very clear.  What I loved most was that Googs made asking stuff fun.  So I started hanging with him and told all my friends… hey, stop asking those other guys… just ask Googs… everyone loved Googs!

But what I loved so much was that Google listened to all of our gripes about the internet and technology… and came up with some really cool ideas about how it could be.  Googs said that we shouldn’t be controlled by some corporate titan, and be required to fit into their model… the model needs to adapt to what we want…

And because Google was so open and sharing with new ideas, a lot of really smart people started working with him and turning those ideas into real stuff that we could use.  And we knew, unlike Bill, Google would protect our stuff, and our right to privacy.  Sure Googs kept on wanting to know more and more about what we used the internet for… but he reassured us, and promised, that he just needed all that to make it better for us.  I knew Googs really well, so I said SURE to everything he asked, and if my friends expressed concern, I convinced them that you can trust Google… he is just the opposite of Bill… Google has kept his word and turned all these cool ideas into stuff that we can use.  My best argument was about loss of data if your hard drive failed… if you store all your stuff with Google, I would say, you never have to worry about that again, and you can access it anywhere in the world… how cool is that!!

So I started using Google more and more for stuff I used to do and store on my computer.  I was very nervous at the start too, I didn’t want to just upload my hard drive to Googs and think my data would be secure forever… I did some research… and started using more and more of G’s services gradually… as I got more comfortable… and I saw all of G’s messages that always popped up constantly reassuring me about the safety of my data and the security of it never being lost.

I started with Bookmarks and shortly after with Reader.  I had a desktop PC and then finally got a notebook, and I just hated the cumbersome process of synching the bookmarks and RSS feeds on my desktop to the ones on my notebook.  Especially the RSS feeds… I was using a software to track all the blogs I was following, and I could never find a way to synch everything properly.  Google’s Reader solved all that… I thought of it as “God’s Gift”… and the bookmarks… awesome!

I had already been using gmail for a lot of personal communication for quite awhile…. and at the start I used to send copies to Outlook on my desktop for backup, but after a few years of that, I grew more and more comfortable with storing private emails with Google… someone could steal my desktop or notebook, the drive could fail, there could be a fire…. it just made more and more sense to store stuff online, and reduce all the risks and hassles associated with storing data locally and trying to synch two or more computers.  Google solved that nightmare!! 

And then Documents and all the amazing stuff you could do there and not worry about having to synch, started off with regular text files, then Goog's offered pretty much total MS Office capability… synching my desktop with my notebook with my office pc had become such an incredible frustration… Google… you are my saviour…

I still relied heavily on Outlook though for work, and I have tried many many programs to synch 3 or more computers together, but have never quite been able to set them up properly.  Using Google’s Calendars and Contacts would alleviate all that… safe, secure, and no multiple versions to be concerned with…

I never made the conversion from local to “cloud” storage for work-related data… but I was close to… EVER so close… it just made so much sense… and the sense of it was not a result of naivety either… I had 10 years of experience, and gradual indoctrination into G’s services… I mean ALL of them… I have been a big supporter and spent a lot of time, not just learning how to incorporate G’s services into a practical solution for me, and all the benefits, but also spent a lot of time researching the downside.  Incorporating Google’s services into practical use was no naive , ill-thought, or impulsive decision… it just made so much sense from so many angles.

When I became UnFriended last Tuesday, my computer tally at that time was… a desktop in my home office, a desktop in my kitchen, a desktop connected to my TV, a notebook, a netbook, an Android cell, and an Archos tablet running on Android…. and using Google to tie everything together was great!!  Everything was synched to each other through my buddy Google, I knew exactly where to look and what I would see on every device… my synchronization issues  were solved once and for all… and my data was secure!!  How sweet is that?!?

VERY sweet until Google UnFriends you… and then everything is gone!!  In an instant… a blink of the eye… EVERYTHING!!

No warning, no opportunity provided to recover critical data stored with Google – not even 1 hour or 1 minute – it is just gone!! And that is with paid storage too!!

Something is wrong with Google… very wrong… even Mr. Gates, upon detecting suspect MS software, does not delete all your personal data!

Oh come on… you are undoubtedly thinking to yourself… Google would never do that… and you must have done something really horrible to warrant such harsh action… they can’t just delete everything?!?

BUT THEY DO… all the time… without warning… and without recourse.

oh guffaw… there must be someone you can email or call… NOPE… even when you pay for storage as I did (twice), there is no real person, either by email or by phone, that you can contact… there is only a form provided and a commitment to provide an answer to that form with 48 hours.  I completed one form the day it happened, and two others on March 16th.  I posted an appeal for help on G’s forum on the 17th… as of this moment… there has been no response… and no reason provided… seriously… NOTHING !!  I have only received emails acknowledging receipt that the form was received!!  5 days later… nothing!!

If the data stored with the deleted paid-storage was work related… I would be devastated… and potentially fired as a result…

I can still only presume this was some kind of error, and I will be ReFriended…and my personal data stored with Google – through PAID storage - will be made accessible again… but I am astonished that something like this is allowed to happen at all… that a company like Google…  can delete someone’s existence, and personal data… with absolutely no accountability.

My intent with this blog is not to bash Google, rather to be just another person that speaks up and says…this is not right… if enough of us do it, then maybe Google will get back in touch with the Google I have supported all these years.  I am under no illusion that I will or can effect that change…

All I know5 days later… is that I am completely and utterly dumbfounded that any company is allowed to operate with this kind of impunity regarding destruction of personal data – paid for or not!!  Unfortunately, each and every online storage provider, operates the same way.

ACCOUNTABILTY, clearly-defined STANDARDS, and RECOURSE must be a requirement of any company storing personal data, whether paid for or not…

I don’t think this is unreasonable…


  1. Well, it happened to me and to countless others too.

    They have a (comparatively) new guy they're boasting in charge of SPAM detection. Allegedly it's his little bot which is running amok. And it's not just gay blogs - though surely we feel those the worst. It's something to do with our persecution mentality - I mean, they're murdering us in some countries just for 'coming out' - and that's the government and State agencies.

    It's destroyed my faith in google blogging. Nothing will surprise me at the moment in the way they are behaving. And, as you say, it's the fact that they cut us off without even a 'by your leave' and then refuse to reply in any shape what so ever. Not a word in response to our questions. Not a single word.

    I feel like I've been dropped - spurned - walked over by a lover.

    It's over.

  2. You're absolutely correct Micky, Google is not specifically targeting gay accounts, but it would be very interesting to see their stats on this issue... I am sure very detailed stats exist.

  3. I would really suggest registering your own domain name and getting your own provider for your content. It may cost more than google's paid storage, but at least you'll have better control of it. Check policies with the provider you choose, but most of them simply suspend an account should trouble arise, not delete it. There are plenty of inexpensive hosts out there these days. Also, I would try to dispute any charges for your paid storage if you used a credit card.

  4. Thanks Anon, I agree completely about registering a domain. I did that a year ago through GoDaddy and it was really cheap. Getting all your links to point to your domain URL rather than your blog URL is a real challenge though.

    I know a few people use GoDaddy's hosting as well for their blogs, and are quite pleased. There is no evidence of blogs there being Googlized. Prices are $3-4 per month for 10Gb... which is reasonable...
